You are reading ‘Like person, like coach’, a newsletter at the intersection of personal narrative and relational, integrative, anti-oppresive coaching practice.
This week I’m spending time looking ahead at autumn and the partnerships I am building. As every year, summers are more quiet and they give me a chance to look back over the year/s, see where I’ve grown, the highlights and the places in which I want to grow next.
The Highlights:
In the last 3 years and a half I’ve enjoyed the diversity of the projects I’ve been involved with in bringing coaching to the LGBTQIA+ community as a mentor with Learnest, working with organisations who want to embed anti-oppression into their DNA with NEON, coaching on She Leads Change’s Leading Collective Impact programme, teaching coaching to new coaches and established leaders with Simply Coaching, coaching young people entering adulthood with Know You More’s Level Up, supervising alumni of the MOE Foundation Coaching courses.
The Growth I’ve seen:
What is failure in coaching and in life is changing for me. You don’t meet the ‘right’ clients/coaches, you create the ‘right’ conditions for relationships to grow and change. Not all relationships have to work out but it’s nice if you’re both able to learn from the experience. The model can change but the relational work will always require more acceptance, more wisdom, more readiness to learn together LIVE.
The Growth I want to see:
I’m keen on building on my relational toolkit to better manage those relational crevices I mentioned here. I’m looking into different types of training and reading to enhance these skills in the next few months/years. I’m also planning to spend some time in August designing some new tools for coaching agreements and plans to make these more robust, still loose and open to emergence, but with added follow-through.
Seeking new Coaching Opportunities:
I’m in a position in my coaching development where I’m considering different types of roles and working schedules. So another element of this MOT is reflecting on how freelance life suits me at the moment and considering alternatives like a part-time role as coach and such. I’ve been going back over the list of coaching-related opportunities/trainings out there and I’m sharing them below in case they’re useful to others looking for work. What is on your list of coaching opportunities/trainings?
NB: The next Weeknotes will be landing mid-August after my summer holiday
Animas Coaching
Co-Active Coaching
Transforming Conversations, 3D Coaching
ORSC (Organisation and Relationship Systems Coaching)
Kai Flow
Coaching and Therapy Worlds Merging:
Listening Collective - Coaching, by therapists.
Integrative Counselling and Coaching MA, UEL
Existential Coaching, The New School for Psychotherapy and Counselling
Building coaching hours:
More Happi (volunteering)
Organisations that work with coaches:
Better Up (applications ongoing)
MindGym (job vacancies open for coach/facilitator)
Sanctus (applications closed atm)
If you enjoy reading Like Person, Like Coach, please recommend it to others who might find useful, too. If you have feedback and suggestions on how I can deepen my learning please write me.
I’m iacob, an ICF Associate Certified Coach with NEON, Know You More and Simply Coaching. I’m currently available for new coaching clients, roles and projects. Read more here and get in touch, I’d love to hear from you.